Oligonucleotides (oligos & probes) are widely used in research, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. High-quality oligonucleotide products are indispensable for PCR reaction, molecular hybridization, DNA sequencing, etc. In the past two years, the field of health and medicine has developed rapidly. Within the field, molecular diagnostics and nucleic acid drug development are the two most common focuses of research.
In order to meet the needs of these markets, Synbio Technologies focuses on the distribution of oligonucleotides with a variety of product types, excellent product quality, and a professional product supply to serve global research and industrial users. Moreover, our competitive price and fast turnaround time significantly reduces our customers’ early-stage product development costs and efforts, effectively responding to and promoting the development of both the molecular diagnostics and nucleic acid drugs markets.
01.qPCR Detection
Advantages: Higher sensitivity, specificity, and ease of use. Shorter turnaround time and lower test cost.
Oligonucleotide Products:
TaqMan Probes, MGB Probes, Double-Quenched Probes......
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02.Antisense Technology
Advantages: Expands the proportion of therapeutic targets, high specificity, convenient synthesis, and good stability in vivo.
Oligonucleotide Products:
Antisense Oligonucleotides, siRNA, miRNA......
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03.High-Throughput Sequencing
Advantages: Great potential and exploitability for analyzing large-scale samples.
Oligonucleotide Products:
Adaptor Oligos, Blocking Oligos, Capture Probes......
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